Make Your Own Bird Feeder

First, please read our COVID-19 Recommendation.

This activity is an easy way to reduce stress and help your local birds! Having a bird feeder gives you a great opportunity to watch different birds up close. If you place your bird feeder next to a window or near your home, you will see them approach your new feeder to try out your seeds. Some birds will come visit the feeder many times a day and others only once in a while. It can be amazing to see how they interact with other birds when they come visit. Writing or making art about what goes on near you feeder are excellent observations to add to your nature journal. During the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere you can also share your observations with the citizen science project FeederWatch. This way you can keep track of your observations, learn about birds, and even help scientists understand how the birds are acting!

Making a pinecone bird feeder


  • Pinecones
  • String
  • Butter knife
  • Peanut Butter
  • Plate
  • Bird Seed such as sunflower, millet, nyjer or a pre-made blend.


  • Find pinecones. You can look in your backyard, a local park or near your school or workplace.
  • Once you find pinecones tie a string from the top of the cone so that you will be able to secure it in a high place later.
  • Use a knife to slather peanut butter all over the pinecone.
  • Roll the peanut butter coated pinecone in a plate full of birdseed.
  • Hang your pinecone in a tree outside your window or in a local green space.
  • Congratulations, you have made a bird feeder! Now you can enjoy watching the birds visit your beautiful feeder.

If you are curious about what kind of birds are coming to eat from your feeder check out the Focal Birds Near Me page to learn about some common birds in your area. With FeederWatch you can record your observations and learn more about how to attract different kinds of birds.

To learn how to make different kinds of feeders click here!

Berry Elementary milk-jug bird-feeders
Photo Courtesy of Berry Elementary

This activity came from Spruce Crafts

Written by Julia Luna and Ashley Calderon. Edited by Debra Nero and Corey Hasson.