The Green Jay Mayan Birding club is truly outstanding! They travel all over the Yucatan Peninsula to host activities centered around bird conservation and citizen science for educators, community leaders, teachers, youth, and all those interested. During their workshops, they share informative materials dedicated to local birds, conservation tips, and aVerAves, a bird citizen science platform, where participants can enter information about the birds they observe in their communities (similar to Cornell’s eBird)! Everyone goes outdoors to enjoy the fresh air, view beautiful local birds, and talk about the ways they can improve the quality of life in their community with their local birds in mind.
During the workshops, the Green Jay Mayan Birding club team uses the BirdSleuth-International K-12 curriculum activities as a starting point. With a few tweaks, coordinators of the workshops adapt it to better suit the needs, interests, and local resources of the communities they visit. Thanks to the resources and support from Isla Contoy AC, local leaders, and the Red de Monitoreo Comunitario de Aves “Mayan Jays, the “BirdSleuth International” workshop was successful, in meeting its goals! In every site visited, the Green Jay Mayan Birding Club identified and trained local leaders, individuals who now continue the citizen science programs from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in their community! It was wonderful to see that every place the Green Jay Mayan Birding club went, a seed of conservation efforts was planted and continues to grow.
Down below, we share some of the photographs that came from each brilliant event!
Chemuyil, Quintana Roo: Participants went outdoors and recreated the path some birds took during migration. They learned about the obstacles birds face and later discussed the ways they and their community could help protect migrating birds and their habitats.
Gran Plaza Cancún, Quintana Roo: During the workshop, there was a photography exhibit about Mother Nature. Participants were excited to go home and use the materials and tips given to help keep the birds in their community safe.
Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo: The Green Jay Mayan Birding club provided materials for students to learn more about other regional birds. The participants were so thrilled that they chatted about creating their own birding club!
Chetumal, Quintana Roo: The participants used the BirdSleuth-International curriculum to have an amazing discussion on helpful tips to live a sustainable life that would benefit everyone, especially the birds.
San José II, Quintana Roo: The children already knew bird names in Mayan but learned their names in Spanish during the workshop! They drew their favorite feathered friends and took pictures with wings. The whole town united for the benefit of the birds and the environment.
Cozumel, Quintana Roo: The Cozumel Island is home to many marvelous, unique species. The community was in awe of the beautiful birds and other species native to their home. Community leaders pledged to create environmentally friendly actions for the safety of these extraordinary species.
Sisal Yucatán, Quintana Roo: The insightful activities included discussions on conservation, migratory bird games, as well as bird observations. The children asked questions to get to know more about their local birds!
The Kabah Park, Quintana Roo: The participants were excited to have materials naming their local birds. During the group walk, the students yelled out the birds they saw and later talked about their favorite birds!
The Ka ́Yok’ Planetarium, Quintana Roo: The students and teachers of the Primary Institute of Mexico wanted more information on birds that lived in their communities. They also wanted to see birds in the outdoors and spent the day exploring and discovering!
Campeche: The Green Jay Mayan Birding club assisted in the Monitores Comunitarios de Aves Mayan Jays NABCI-CONABIO regional conference. Different community leaders were invited to participate in the “BirdSleuth International” workshop so that they could get inspired in making future bird conserving events. It was great seeing so many passionate conservationists excited to have these programs in their own communities. It was also fantastic seeing the network of bird activists growing all over the Yucatán peninsula!
Global Big Day: Each year there are more people that come together for the birds! It’s amazing as the environment and the birds are helping people connect with others, gain materials, and live a more eco-friendly life.
Ek Balm Community: In this workshop, materials from Celebrate Urban Birds- Mexico were used to help children in their bird walk. After observing their local birds, everyone made a list of the birds they saw outside. There were also fun activities using Birdsleuth International, like the Bird Migration game! At the end of the event, the participants made a list of the most common birds they see in Ek Balm.
The children’s bird drawings were used in a Bird Drawing Exchange with the Bird Museum of Mexico in celebration of International Migratory Birds Day! The kids were ecstatic as they saw so many bird drawings around them.
A special thanks to Jennifer Fee and Marta del Campo from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, biologists Catalina Galindo de Prince, Elizabeth Jiménez, and Karla Beytia from Amigos from Isla Contoy A.C., colleagues from the Red Mayan Jays, and to everyone who came together to make “BirdSleuth-International” happen all over the Yucatan Peninsula.
On December 1 and December 2 of this year, the Green Jay Mayan Birding club will be hosting “Volando por la Península ” festival, where there will be talks, conferences, art workshops, bird watching, and “Birdsleuth-International” workshops.
To find more about this festival and the Green Jay Mayan Birding club click here!
Page Created by Ashley Calderon