Books and Booklets

Ornitologuía, Una Aproximación a las Aves de Humedal (Ornitho-guide, An Approach to Wetland Birds)

In this piece the reader begins their flight inside the world of birds! The first section is a review of the important bird characteristics from beak to feathers. The second part of the book dives into detailed descriptions of the 40 species of birds residing in the Bogotano wetland, including their taxonomic identifications, habits and ecological importance. This text is a great tool for everyone from beginning birders to those that have observed birds for their entire lives!  Download here! (the digital book can be found at the bottom of the page the link sends you to)

Authors: Esperanza Sepúlveda Rojas, Juan Carlos Mendoza Mendoza, and Andrés Camilo Pérez Rodríguez

Organizations: Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental de UNIMINUTO Virtual y a Distancia, Grupo de Investigación CAYTES – Ciencia, Ambiente y Turismo Ecologico Sustentable, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO

Vaupés – Entre Plumajes, Sonidos y Colores. Las aves cuentan sus historias tradicionales, 1ra edición (Vaupés—Through Feathers, Sounds and Colors. The birds that tell their traditional stories, 1st edition)

This book emphasizes the great cultural collection of different bird species that the ethnic groups of Vaupés have from their origin stories. These groups want to strengthen their knowledge and cultural identity by investigating the origin stories.  This book gives the reader an inside  view into the important social and cultural values found in the mystic world of nature. The interest of the groups is to generate productive alternatives based on the traditional knowledge that their grandparents, uncles and parents have about birds. This book is the result of nine months of investigation by the local research seedbed of SENNOVA called Etno-Ornithology Amazonian Motmot. Download here!

Editors and editorial coordinators: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco
Compilers of traditional stories: Florencio Castaño Rodríguez, Walter Gabriel Estrada Ramírez, Manuel Claudio Fernández, Agripino González, Fernando López Pereira, Carlos Augusto Ramírez González, Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco, Zaiza Danova Rodríguez Rivera
Art, design and ilustration: Steven Camilo Ibarra Pinchao.
Photography: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco y Luis Urueña.
Organizations: Amazonian Motmot-Semillero de investigación en Etno-Ornitología, Coordinación Misional y SENA Regional Vaupés

Aves Rapaces en arrozales del valle geográfico del Río Cauca (Raptors found in organically grown rice paddies in the Cauca River Valley)

(Photo © Y. Cifuentes Sarmiento, L.A. Neira, L.F. Castillo y J. Suarez Valbuena)
Click here to Download!

Authors: Y.Cifuentes Sarmiento, L.A. Neira, L.F. Castillo, and J. Suarez Valbuena
Contact Information: Asociación Calidris
Organizations: Asociación Calidris (Calidris Asociation) and Arrocera la Esmeralda S.A.

Las alas del arroz: Aves acuáticas en cultivos ecoamigables del Valle del Cauca (The wings of rice: water birds in eco-friendly crops of Valle del Cauca)

(Photo © Y.Cifuentes Sarmiento y L. F. Castillo Cortés)
This book discusses the aquatic birds that are found in organic rice fields in the Cauca Valley.  To Download Click here!

Authors: Y. Cifuentes Sarmiento and L. F. Castillo Cortés
Contact Information: Asociación Calidris
Organizations:  Asociación Calidris and Arrocera la Esmeralda S.A.

Las Aves de Mi Ciudad (The Birds of My City)

This guide was created to showcase the richness of the flora and fauna in Cali, Colombia. It promotes community participation in bird conservation and examines the creation of green spaces in urban areas! To Download Click Here!

Authors: Luis Fernando Castillo, Patricia Falk-Fernandez, Felipe Estela, and Karolina
Contact: Asociación Calidris
Organizations: Asociación Calidris and the Alcaldia de Santiago de Cali, Departamento Administrativo de Gestion del Medio Ambiete – DAGMA

Manual para el Monitoreo de Aves Migratorias (The Monitor Migratory Birds Manual)

This manual was published as part of an agreement of cooperation between the Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil (Colombian Network Association of Natural Reserves of Civil Society) and the Asociación para el Estudio y la Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas enColombia – Calidris (Association for the Study and Conservation of Waterfowl in Colombia – Calidris). Its goal is to strengthen the conservation of neotropical migratory birds in the Network of Natural Reserves of Civil Society.  Download Here!

Authors (Text): Isadora Angarita Martínez, Daniel Arbeláez Alvarado, Luis Germán Naranjo

Editors: Karina Galeano M., Julio Mario Fernández, Carmen Ana Dereix, Oscar Alzate A., Luis Germán Naranjo, Luis Felipe Ordóñez

Organizations: Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil, Asociación para el Estudio y la Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas en Colombia – Calidris, and WWF Colombia

Bosque Seco Especial: Guía de Especies (The Dry Forest: Species Guide)

This book documents the current state of the Colombian dry forest. It  focuses on the main fauna and flora species of the dry forest in three different regions of the country, found in six departments in the country: La Guajira, Bolívar, César, Tolima, Valle de Cauca and Huila. The species monitoring emphasizes the value of the identified species in the conservation of biodiversity and its importance for the well-being of local communities under historic contexts of transformation and territory use. The Dry Forest Expeditions resulted from an alliance between the United Nations Development Program (PNUD) and the Humboldt Institute within the Global Environment Facility (GEF) project for dry ecosystems. Download here (on the left hand side of the page you will be able to download or see the “BST baja.pdf”!

Authors: Alma Hernández, Rafael Achury, José Aguilar, Luisa Ardila, Paula Caycedo-Rosales, Angélica Díaz Pulido, Marcia Muñoz, Susana Rodríguez-Buritíca, Roy González

Organizations: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt

Especies de Aves Focales de Cundinamarca: Estrategias para la conservación (Focal Bird Species of Cundinamarca: Strategies for conservation)

In the publication, we can find detailed information about focal bird species that are found in Cundinamarca. This publication contains detailed information about the focal birds of Cundinamarca.  These species were selected because they are good indicators of how well their ecosystems are doing. The detailed information about each species includes taxonomic description, physical attributes, diet and habitat as well as ecological information, including the level of threat that each species is under. There are also chapters about recommendations for the conservation of the species and their habitats, the selection of the focal species, the birds’ anatomy, and a chapter about the observation of birds in the field. This publication is presented by The Autonomous Regional Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR), with the support of Bogota Association of Ornithology (ABO) and the Bird Observers Network. This publication supports the efforts for the region’s ecosystem conservation and hopes to increase bird observation among the public and incentivize concrete actions toward avifauna conservation in the region. Download here (on the left hand side of the page, you will be able to download or see the “160.pdf”)!

Authors: Ana María Franco, Juan David Amaya-Espinel, Ana María Umaña Villaveces, Maria Piedad Baptiste E., Oswaldo Cortés

Organizations: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt

La Magia de la Aves de Chingaza (The Magic of the Birds of Chingaza)

This book presents 156 species of  birds found in the Chingaza Natural National Park’s, forests and paramos. This park is less than two hours from the metropolitan area of Bogota. It extends over the eastern mountain range of the Andes and it is home to approximately 400 bird species. The publication includes various sections including, a general description of the park and its dominant ecosystems, technical information about the bird species and recommendations to on how to develop responsible Avi-tourism projects. Download here!

Authors: Luis Guillermo Linares-Romero, F. Gary Stiles, Loreta Rosselli, Pedro Camargo M, Jonathan Candil, Robinson Galindo Tarazona, Fredy Enrique Avellaneda y Ángel Ramiro Pulido

Organizations: Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia