Have you ever wondered where you could find educational material about birds and citizen science in Spanish? Do you need materials that people of all ages and areas can easily understand? We have compiled a list of links to free resources with descriptions of what each link offers. We hope this is useful for you and your participants.
1) Celebrate Urban Birds
Celebrate Urban Birds is a citizen science project founded in 2007. Anyone from any country can participate in Celebrate Urban Birds. You can participate at any time of the year and you do not need to know about birds. The goal of this project is to integrate people of all ages and regions in bird citizen science and to create awareness about birds, habitat and conservation. We are actively creating materials from different countries and regions. All materials are available for free download. Below you will find our materials for the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Peruvian Amazon region.
a) United States and Canada:
i. A beautifully illustrated bird guide showing 16 focal bird species. Also included are magnificent illustrations some common Hummingbirds of North America. To view the guide, click here!
ii. A sheet describing the celebrate Urban Birds citizen science project. This includes a form you can use to enter your bird observations and a poster of the silhouettes of the 16 focal bird species. Clickhere!
iii. A list of the 16 species with beautiful pictures and space to note the number of times the bird was seen. Available in Spanish and English. Clickhere!
b) Mexico:
i. A bird guide with 16 focal bird species. The guide includes beautiful pictures of the birds, distribution maps, and interesting facts about their behavior and habitat. Click here!
ii. A sheet to record observations of the birds. This sheet also includes close-up photos of the birds with the silhouettes of the 16 focal species and a brief description of the Celebrate Urban Birds in Mexico project! Click here!
c) Peruvian Amazon Region:
Download the materials used in the Celebrate Birds kit for the Peruvian Amazon Region (Currículo de Educación Ambiental para La Amazonia Peruana)! The kit includes tips on how to observe the 16 focal species in the Peruvian Amazon Region as well as a table to jot down your bird observations. There is also a helpful poster that contain silhouettes of the 16 focal species and tips on where to observe them. The Environmental Education Activity Guide for the Peruvian Amazon Region, contains interesting activities you can use if you’re from the region. If you are not located in the region, the Activity Guide is adaptable to different regions and educational interests. It also has information and activities about nesting as well as an entire section about citizen science so that you and your participants can begin your own project!
i. To download the bird observation table with tips on how to observe the 16 focal species, and the bird silhouettes poster, click here!
ii. To download the 16 focal species guide with information about the focal species of this project, map distributions, and cool facts about their behavior and ecology, clickhere!
iii. The Environmental Education Activity Guide for the Peruvian Amazon Region: This activity guide is for informal or formal educators who are passionate in motivating, teaching and inspiring their participants to get involved in environmental conservation. The activity guide is designed with simple lesson plans that contain fun activities about the focal bird species in the Peruvian Amazon region. Through the monthly lesson plans, we hope students become interested in conserving their local birds and participating in citizen science through bird observation. This activity guide pairs well with the Peru kit. To download this guide click here!
To know more about the nests of the 16 focal species click here!
2) Bird Sleuth International Educational Curricula and Supporting Materials for Educators
BirdSleuth International and World of Birds Curricula
BirdSleuth International is an environmental education curriculum to expand the information children receive about science and the environment. This is accomplished through learning about birds. The curriculum includes 10 lessons with fun and educational activities for children. Both the curriculum and supporting materials can be downloaded. The summary of the curriculum World of Birds does not need any additional materials and is also available to download. To download any of the materials you first need to complete a quick form. Click here to go to the form which will redirect you to the materials once you finish.
3) Manuals
Guide to Birds in Mexico City and its Surroundings
If you find yourself in Mexico City or its surroundings and need an easy-to-carry guide of the most common birds in Mexico City, this is the guide for you! It is very easy to use, has beautiful images, essential information, and interesting facts about Mexican birds. This guide was sponsored by CONABIO (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad or The National Commision for the Awareness and use of Biodiversity). You can download the free guide by clicking here.
4) How to use eBird in Chile Guide
Download this practical guide on how to use eBird in Chile created by the leaders of the Red Observadores de Aves de Chile (ROC). You will find detailed explanations of eBird, how to use, how to enter your bird observations, and so much more! Although this guide was written users of eBird Chile it is useful for any person who wishes to learn more about eBird. Just make sure to enter the portal that corresponds to your geographic location. Download the eBird in Chile guide here!
5) Bird in Mexico: List of Bird Species and their Common Names 2015
Explore the most recent list of Mexican bird species and their common names. You can download the full publication here.
6) Free Book Download: Hummingbirds in Mexico and North America
Download this amazing bilingual book about Hummingbirds in Mexico and North America written by María del Coro Arizmendí and Humberto Berlanga. This book is excellent for people who want to learn more about hummingbirds. The book discusses hummingbird anatomy, diet, reproduction, migration, ecological relevance, and so much more! This book was sponsored by CONABIO (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad or National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity) and the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México or National Autonomous University of Mexico) in Mexico. Download this complete book for free by clicking here! It can be slow to fully appear online, so please be patient!