Here are some photos of a bald eagle in an eagles nest I had the privilege of knowing about. My cousin Nevada asked me to come down with my long lens and see if I could get some better close ups than they were able to get! So I drove down to Rathbone, NY and was able to get these shots. I was really far away when these were taken and then I cropped them, too, so they aren’t real sharp, but I wanted to share them with you all. It is in a secret tree, for sure!
The day these shots were taken Mike Allen, retired DEC worker, had come to our area to record and verify this nest, and another one a few miles down the road. I had sent him some photos of the nests, and he contacted me. He has been working with the Eagle Restoration Program in NY for over 35 years. There are over 200 nests that they’ve confirmed since the program has started. What a delight it was to be involved in showing him two nests, with eagles in them. We drove through a hay field and climbed deep into the woods as well. To hear the eagle cry, see him soar through the air, and then see him in the nest sure is a blessing! To capture it through photos was extra special, too. The Sunday Spectator out of Hornell, NY is planning on doing a story on eagles, in their Outdoor Page, this Sunday, if everything goes as planned. Chris the Outdoor Editor asked to use some of my photos of eagles that I had taken last November 2009. He also spoke with Mike Allen, so, I’m looking forward to seeing his story about the eagles return to our area. A quote from Mike is:”It is important especially right now since the birds appeared to be incubating that no one try to approach the site for a “closer” look. Your description of it being far away on a hillside is actually good news. Many times folks will try to get that closer look which can sometimes result in the birds abandoning the site, especially with a new pair, which would be most unfortunate.” I’m submitting this because I love eagles, and it is awesome to see how large their nests are. This is a funky nest for sure, just look at those large branches they use to prepare a place for their young!