Download the materials found in the Celebrate Urban Birds Kit for Puerto Rico! The kit includes tips on how to observe the 16 focal species of birds of Puerto Rico. It also contains a helpful table to jot down your bird observations. The poster has the silhouettes of the 16 focal species, information about the birds and tips on where to observe them. If you are not located in Puerto Rico the Activity Guide is still very useful because it is adaptable to different regions and educational interests.
i. To download the data collection guide with tips on how to observe the 16 focal species, the bird silhouettes and space to record your observations click here!
ii. To download the bird identification guide with information about the 16 focal species, map distributions, and cool facts about their behavior and ecology click here!
iii. If you would like to add the kit materials to an envelope for distribution, you can download the envelope image and print it by clicking here!