Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) , also known as Trumpet Vines or Trumpet Flowers, are a type of deciduous or partly evergreen vines that are native to the U.S. The stems can grow up to 12m long with shiny, dark green leaflets. The bright yellow-orange to red flowers bloom from July and August come in clusters of four to a dozen. However, contact with the leaves and flowers of this plant may result in an allergic reaction! It is also slightly toxic if ingested.
This plant’s beautiful and abundant flowers produce nectar in large quantities that attract butterflies and hummingbirds, which makes it perfect for decorating your garden. The Trumpet Creeper grows in wet to dry soils and sand, loam, or clay soil types with a wide pH range of 3.7 to 6.8. Best flowering occurs when the vine is exposed to full sun, so be sure to keep it out of the shade!
Instructions for care
- Trumpet creeper is typically reproduced by cuttings. It develops roots and new suckers readily, which makes it easy to grow quickly.
- If you do not have a parent plant to take cuttings from, you can also use seeds.
- Seeds are prepared for germination by stratifying them in moist sand for 60 days at 4 ° C.
- Seeds are sown in early fall for spring outplanting.
- Vines should be thinned throughout the growing season and cut back before winter to prevent aggressive spread. In some places, this plant is considered an invasive weed that can wipe out native species.
If you would like to learn more about the Trumpet Creeper, click here.