Read Books, Create Displays, or Host a Movie Night about Birds and Conservation
Here are some wonderful books and movies to consider:
Pale Male a film by Frederic Lilien – Watch incredible footage of Pale Male, a daring Red-tailed Hawk that takes residence in the heart of New York City.
Greening School Grounds Edited by Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn – Wonderful activities, plans, and resources for parents and educators.
Flute’s Journey by Lynne Cherry – A young Wood Thrush named Flute makes its first migration from its nesting ground in a Maryland forest to its winter home in Costa Rica, and back again.
A Youth’s Look at Black & Brown Faces in America’s Wild Places by Dudley Edmonson — This book features portraits and stories of people of color as they describe their experiences with nature. The author begins the book by saying, “So what do you want to be when you grow up?” Explore various careers and barriers experienced to involvement in America’s natural landscape.
Urban Roosts: Where Birds Nest in the City by Barbara Bash – Explore how 13 species of birds have successfully adapted to city habitats.
Grandmother’s Pigeon by Louise Erdrich – An eccentric grandmother leaves behind three old eggs that hatch into Passenger Pigeons. Blends fantasy and science.
City Birding : True Tales of Birds and Birdwatching in Unexpected Places – by Mark Allison, Curtis Badger, Mary Durant, Mark S. Garland, James Gorman, Paul A Johnsgard, John Nichols, Marienn Winn, Julie Zickefoose – You’ll be amazed at what species of birds can still be found using ‘remaining pockets’ of habitat in heavily urbanized areas.
Songbird Journeys: Four Seasons in the Lives of Migratory Birds by Miyoko Chu – Learn about the lives of songbirds as they move from continent to continent with the seasons.
Nest for Celeste and On Meadowview Street by Henry Cole – Lovely chapter book for kids and a picture book featuring many birds and beautiful art work. Nest for Celeste is about a mouse who makes friends with bird painter Audubon’s assistant, and features Passenger Pigeons and the Ivory-billed Woodpecker in her adventures. On Meadowview Street is about a family that creates beautiful habitat for birds in their ordinary suburban back yard.
Signs of Jays by Linda Kurtz Kingsley – A children’s picture book about 2 Scrub Jay babies who get rescued, rehabilitated, and then mainstreamed back into the wild…Great book for children with disabilities, especially relevant to hearing-impaired kids or any kids who want to learn about children with disabilities. Hand signs for some of the key words are included. Gorgeous illustration painted by Linda Kurtz Kingsley. Contact her web site to obtain this book.