Drawing your favorite bird is a fun activity to help you take a break from your busy day, express your creativity, and relax!
Drawing helps you take your mind off things that are bothering you and causing you stress. Drawing things around you like birds and plants also helps you connect with your natural environment! Watching birds is a great way to find inspiration on what to draw. When you have decided which bird you want to draw you can also think about related things. What does your bird like to eat? Where does the bird like to spend its time? You can draw from your memory and add anything thing else you imagine about where it lives! Is your bird an urban bird or does it live in a more open, natural environment? Is it nesting, flying, hopping on the grass or perching on a branch or electric wire? Watch or remember and draw to express your feelings and thoughts!
There are many different ways to do this activity to fit whatever materials you have. You can draw with pens, pencils, crayons or paints. Any paper or creative surface you find is great! You can use construction paper, scrap paper, canvas, or even chalk on a sidewalk. If you don’t like drawing, you can try and make a collage with old magazines and glue. There is no limit to your creativity! When you are happy with your bird feel free to draw other things such where your bird lives or what other animals or people are surrounding it. Allow yourself to relax and let your imagination be your guide!
If you need help thinking of birds in your region check out the Learn the Focal Birds Near You page or use the free app, Merlin Bird ID to help you identify the birds around you. If you want to learn about more birds and see beautiful bird photos, you can also explore birds in All about Birds website or in eBird Explore by bird species or region.

Written by Ashley Calderon and Julia Luna