Members of bioEdest, an environmental organization in the Ventanilla district in the province of Callao, Peru believe that “to conserve natural spaces it is very important to get to know these spaces”. Their members are passionate about helping people in their community of Callou-Peru to learn more about nature so that they can see the importance of environmental conservation. bioEdest is devoted to sharing information through educational activities and resources to promote bird learning and environmental exploration.
In their Environmental Education program, “Open Wings for Conservation” school children from the Ventanilla District and all over Callao take part in many activities including art projects, gardening, and bird observation. During the workshops, students became so excited in about bird conservation and developing a better understanding of the importance of biodiversity and their environment! Below you will find pictures showing the magnificent work done by the bioEdest organization.
The activity “4 Years of Friendship” in the Initial Educational Institution No. 127 gets teachers and students involved in amazing discussions about the local birds. They also draw their favorite birds and made beautiful bird masks!
To contact bioEdest, you can email them at bioedest@gmail.com
bioEdest has created a wonderful guide to identify the birds in the Leyendas park (parque de las leyendas) in Lima, Peru. The guide was created by Nestor Christian Carazas Suarez along with amazing photographers to help showcase the amazing birds in Lima. To download the guide click here!