Photo Submission
Submitted By
Amber Morrison
Trinity, NC, United States
After a couple days of cleaning leaves out of my daughters bow basket and replacing the board beside the fan in the window, I finally met the little fella. I was nursing and putting my baby down for nap when the board fell out of the window. Perched in the window was a Carolina Wren. It flew in and landed on my baby’s crib., peeked in it, and looked at me. It flew to her changing table, looked towards the bows, then back at me a couple seconds, and left. A few minutes later it came back with a leaf. It proceeded to makes trips while I rocked and put my girl to bed. The next day, we had the making of a nest. We continued our daily routines (didn’t want to scare it but didn’t want to be kicked out of our own nursery either). Fast forward to now and we have 4 babies in my daughters hair bow basket. Aside from it being a completely inconvenient place (I REALLY need her fourth of July bow), it has been amazing to be able to watch everything happen night and day on the baby’s nursery camera. I may no longer be able use our bows but they don’t mind us around either. I think its funny and can’t wait to share the story with my girl once she’s bigger of her first roommates.
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Species: Carolina Wren