Poetry Submission

Submitted By

London Drysdale

Detroit, MI, United States


My name is London Drysdale, I am 15 years old and I love birds, I love to birdwatch, I live in Roscommon, Michigan and I was on a trip to Detroit with my family, and we stayed the night in the pink palace hotel, and as we were walking in I noticed a nest with a wren and her egg, and right then and there, I thought this would be a great poem,
Thank you.



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Species: House Wren



There I was standing at the door
Of a big hotel in Detroit,
It was long , pink, and tall,
I was getting ready to walk into the hall,
Then I looked, up and down,
And there she was, a little wren that was brown,
Standing in a nest with her tiny legs,
That's whe I realized she was ready to sit on her egg.
At the big Pink Palace in Detroit's joy,
A little wren with her baby boy.

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