Accepting Mini-Grant Applications!

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for our 2025 Equity, Birds, and Culture Mini-Grants! Our Mini-Grants support events or programming that prioritize Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in birdwatching and conservation within vulnerable communities. Grant awards range from $250 to $2,500 US. We award mini-grants to organizations from Canada, the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean. No prior experience with birds is required.

We prioritize community-led applications that emphasize the sharing of community knowledge, culture, and the arts.

For more information visit:

Photo courtesy of 2024 mini-grant winner Atheneas-Mujeres Observadoras de Aves Taller Guanare, Venezuela.

Community Avitourism Guide

A Guide to Community Avitourism Projects is Available in Spanish

Together with Celebrate Urban Birds, the Community Avitourism Group of the Americas has co-created our wonderful Community Avitourism Guide: Guía Para Iniciar Proyectos de Aviturismo Comunitario en Latinoamérica Community Avitourism Guide for Latin America – (only available in Spanish)

Our motivation was to create a visual and practical guide for anyone who wants to learn about the topic of Community-led Avitourism. This guide was created by community for community and is intended for communities that have historically been excluded from the sciences. If you want to get the guide, please complete this short survey:

Equity, Birds and Culture Mini Grant winners have been announced!

2022 Equity, Birds and Culture mini grant applications are no longer being accepted. The winners were announced in early February.

These mini-grants are focused on promoting events that center Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in birdwatching and ornithology. We will prioritize community-led applications that focus on sharing community knowledge and expertise and emphasize culture and the arts. 

For more information, visit our mini grants page.

Announcing the 2021 Equity, Birds and Culture Mini-Grant Winners

This year the Celebrate Urban Birds Mini-Grants focused on promoting events that center Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in birdwatching and ornithology. We prioritized community-led applications that focused on sharing community knowledge and expertise and emphasized culture and the arts.

We received a wonderful response to our mini-grant invitation. It’s really exciting to see such creativity and so many varied organizations across all geographical areas working collaboratively to center equity, include the culture, birds, conservation, and the arts.

Mini-grant awards ranged from $250-$2500 and events will take place throughout the Americas in 2021. 

Congratulations to the winners! Stay tuned to hear more about the events and activities.

CUBs Mini-Grant winners:                         

  • Xin’i Conservación y Educación Ambiental, México
  • Agrupación Arte Terapia Pichiche Newen, Chile
  • Backyard Basecamp, Maryland         
  • La Mujer Obrera, Texas
  • Friends of Oxon Run Park, Washington DC
  • Celebra las Aves en Nuevo Uchiza, San Antonio de Miraño, Timicurillo en la Amazonía Peruana, Perú 
  • WorldBeat Cultural Center, California
  • Mujeres de Alas Grandes, México
  • Epsilon Lambda Charitable Foundation, Missouri
  • ACEER Foundation, Pennsylvania
  • Proyecto Juan Diego, Texas