We invite you to sign up for our virtual panel discussing Visual Arts, Birds, and Conservation!
This virtual panel will have talented artists and passionate youth who are dedicated to conservation and improving the quality of life in their communities. They will share their experiences and perspectives on Thursday, June 28 at 7 pm United States Eastern time. We hope that the presentations will inspire and give helpful ideas on how to integrate visual arts and local artists in your conservation activities and communities.
These four panelists are:
Victor I. Puga Narvaez (upper left hand corner) is part of colectivo itinerante Inlakech. He is an amazing Mexican multidisciplinary artist known for his participatory artwork and his outreach in many different cities of Mexico. He also founded the Asociación de Artistas Plásticos de Cancún (The Association of Visual Arts in Cancun) and continues to create murals with his “Brocha Grande” (Big Brush) project. His murals highlight the different cultures, natural environments, and birds of Mexico.
Annamaria Savarino Drago (upper right-hand corner) studies biology in Mexico. Her artistic work focuses on caricatures and bird illustrations that shine a light on the importance of bird conservation. In her spare time, she is also a muralist in different communities in Mexico

Josmar Esteban Marquéz (bottom left hand corner) is a naturalist, bird watcher, and a bird illustrator. He has participated in many educational campaigns and workshops for the conservation of birds in Venezuela. His artistic focus is in promoting the conservation of birds through bird identification guides and murals.
Nayeli Gómez Zamorano (bottom right hand corner) has many projects with the Mexican organization, Ecopil Arte Crea Conciencia. Her picture is in the bottom right-hand corner. She loves projects that have to do with virtual art, technology, and social media!
To sign up for the virtual panel click here!