

This summer, I began working at the Lab of Ornithology as an undergraduate intern for the Celebrate Urban Birds program. It is amazing how quickly I began to notice specific birds in my community, and before long I could call each one by name. You don’t need to be an expert to be a birder. You just need curiosity!

(Photo © Tyler Brewer)
I was walking through a parking lot when I saw a female Mallard and her duckling near a puddle on the concrete, happy as they could be. They were surrounded by pieces of bread from well-meaning passerby. I couldn’t blame them for wandering up to a grocery store for snacks; birds adapt to their surroundings, and learn how to survive in an urban setting.  I thought, “Maybe these ducks planned their journey from one stream to another through this parking lot on purpose!” It wouldn’t surprise me.

We want to hear your stories, especially when birds spark your curiosity. It’s important to stay interested in your environment, to care for the creatures that live there, and to get your community involved. Thanks!

~Brigid Lucey

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