During this time of social distancing and spending more time at home, I’ve been noticing more birds than before. I am blessed to be in a place that, even though it is urban, is next a pretty green space—a cemetery! By “pretty green” I mean it has plenty of trees and shrubs that offer a good habitat for birds and other wildlife. That habitat, along with some good neighbors that offer a menu of seeds, suet cakes, nectar, and fruit hanging on balconies, make it more attractive for birds (and others) to visit. Our living spaces have also become quieter and those bird songs and calls that start at dawn are pleasantly crystal clear.
In all the years that I have lived in this complex, I’ve never seen such a variety of birds at once, just from my window. Is having less noise a factor? I saw two different warblers for the first time: Black-and-white Warbler and a Nashville Warbler; I also saw a Wood Thrush. Other birds that I would not have seen so close to my building in previous years are now visiting my feeders, including Pileated Woodpeckers and Red-winged Blackbirds. Others coming closer are Northern Flickers, Blue Jays, and even a Cooper’s Hawk. I’ll be sharing photos of some of the bird visitors who are bringing me joy in these uncertain times…and are reaffirming the value of living in balance with nature.
From my window…to you.