We are happy to announce the 2022 mini-grant winners for Latin American and Caribbean organizations!
This year we received more than 100 applications to our mini-grant program and there were so many excellent proposals among them! It was inspiring to see so many organizations from all over Latin America and the Caribbean take a stand in protection of their local birds and other wildlife, education, citizen science, and the well-being of their communities.
It was not easy for the review committee to decide between so many outstanding applications. There were two types of proposals: community events or series of activities, and workshops for educators and community leaders. Both proposal types aim to protect and increase awareness about local birds and their habitat in their communities.
We selected organizations based on their creativity, potential to create a positive impact through the arts and culture, the creation or improvement of local habitat, citizen science, and geographic diversity. We also selected organizations which will train educators and community leaders in fun and informative workshops. Due to the pandemic, we gave preference to organizations which took sanitary measures to protect their participants and the organizers of the activities. Likewise, we chose organizations which proposed working in small regular groups over a long period of time, rather than large gatherings.
We thank all the applicants for all their hard work and effort to promote bird appreciation, conservation and citizen science in their communities.
The selected organizations are:
- U Yich Lu’um, México
- Wawas Emprendiendo Vuelo (WEV), Bolivia
- Roots and Shoots P.R., Puerto Rico
- I.E. Técnico Alfonso López, Colombia
- Fundación Manada Animal, Chile
- P’e’ela’an K’eweles (Titiras Puerquito), México
- Asociación Civil Casa de la Cultura San Antonio, Venezuela
- Instituto para la Conservación de la Cordillera Neovolcánica ante el Cambio Climático, Mexico
- Club Observadores de Aves Urbanas, Guatemala
- Grupo De Monitoreo Comunitario Orígenes, Colombia
- Fundación Muyu, Ecuador
- Asociación para el Estudio y Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas en Colombia – Calidris, Colombia
- Guaravito, Costa Rica
- Colectivo Chalchiuhtlicue, México
- Programa de Aves Urbanas Colombia, Colombia
- Programa de aves urbanas Compostela, México
- A.C. Grupo de Guardaparques Universitarios, Venezuela
- Parque Temático Cafetero Finca La Pedregoza, Colombia
- Escuela Camilo Henríquez González y Escuela Violeta Parra Sandoval, Chile
- 1900 Nidos, Colombia
- Fundación para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad Guandal, Colombia
- Birds & Nature, Mexico
- GEOWAKAPINKA. Grupo Ecológico de Observadores de Aves, Colombia