1. Mexican Celebrate Urban Birds Kit
Download the Mexican Celebrate Urban Birds kit in Spanish! The kit contains a beautiful bird guide with cool facts about the 16 Mexican focal species and maps of their distribution in Mexico as well as a poster with silhouettes of these birds in their expected habitats. The kit also includes detailed instructions on how to collect data for the 10-minute Celebrate Urban Birds observation. The colorful and easy to use data collection sheet includes useful links to more information about the 16 focal bird species and about how to enter data for the Celebrate Urban Birds citizen science project in Mexico.
i. Bird Guide
ii. Instructions, data sheet, and silhouette poster
The kit also contains a survey for participants who have done at least three observations for the Celebrate Urban Birds citizen science project. You or your participants are welcome to provide feedback about the Mexican Celebrate Urban Birds kit – your opinion matters! Please email Marta del Campo (mlo3@cornell.edu) to learn how to send completed surveys to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
iii. Survey about the kit
2. Action Guide for Mexico
The action guide is aimed at educators in formal or informal settings who wish to teach, motivate and inspire their participants to use their understanding of birds as a way to join environmental efforts. Mexican artists also contributed to the guide and their amazing art makes the guide not only useful but also beautiful! The action guide is filled with simple, entertaining, and engaging lessons centered on the focal birds of the Celebrate Urban Birds in Mexico program. Through a series of activities participants develop interest and appreciation for the birds and nature of their region and then use citizen science to come up with concrete solutions for their local environmental problems. The activities are adaptable to resources that may be available. The action guide was co-created with Mexican participants of the CONABIO Urban Bird Program in Mexico and it goes well with the Mexican Celebrate Urban Birds Kit materials. The guide contains some new environmental activities as well as improved versions of activities found in the first draft of the action guide. To download the Action Guide and its accompanying materials click on the following links:
i. Action Guide for Mexico
ii. Nest Guide for Birds of Celebrate Urban Birds in Mexico (Annexed Material)
iii. Identification of Bird Part Exercise (Annexed Material)
Special thanks to the Urban Birds Program NABCI and CONABIO in Mexico for their constant collaboration with Celebrate Urban Birds and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The creation of the Mexican Celebrate Urban Birds kit is the result of an excellent and transparent collaboration between our organizations and staff. We hope that the kit offers special support for beginners in bird and conservation topics. We encourage families, groups of friends, and people of all ages and from all social backgrounds go outside and enjoy the birds around them! It is important to join local and global conservation efforts through participation in citizen science.